Is your Nervous System Activated or Settled?
On social media this past week I have been talking about Stress Physiology (Activation) and Safety Physiology (Settling) and how they can feel in your nervous system and body. I listed the signs and symptoms of both and what you could be feeling in your body if you are activated or settling.
I have created a Checklist of all these sensations so you can compare them and get a better idea about which category you are in. Are you in activation or do you feel settled? When you get activated do you know how to settle your nervous system and return to Safety Physiology?
Take a moment and check off the sensations you feel the most in your day. If you have more check marks in the activation section, then reach out to me. Let’s talk about the Nervous System RESET program I offer and how it can help you settle and return to a physiology of safety.