1:1 Private Expressive Arts Therapy Sessions
I am a second year student at the CREATE Institute in Toronto studying Expressive Arts Therapy in their 3 year post-graduate, Masters program.
I am currently seeing a limited number of clients through the CREATE Clinic, virtually. This clinical practicum is part of my training at the CREATE Institute.
To learn more about the CREATE Clinic and this low cost option for one on one expressive arts therapy, please go here: https://www.thecreateinstitute.org/create-clinic.html.
Individual session at the CREATE Clinic cost $50.00 and Couples or Families cost $60.00.* Each session is 50 minutes in length. These sessions are not currently covered by your insurance benefits.
If you would like to book in a session with me, please email or call and ask for me specifically (Lisa Cipparone) – thecreateclinic@gmail.com or call (416) 539-9728.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions: Lisa@LisaCipparone.ca
Thank you!
*Prices may vary depending on location and clinic policy and pricing.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions: Lisa@LisaCipparone.ca
Thank you!
*Prices may vary depending on location and clinic policy and pricing.