Welcome to Wellspring

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Working Hours
Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED




Hi! I am Lisa.

I am a Nervous System RESET Practitioner & an Expressive Arts Therapist in Training.

What I offer:

Nervous System RESET

In the Nervous System RESET program I offer, I teach you how to regulate your nervous system so you can reconnect with a felt sense of safety. As you connect with the sensations in your body, gather resources to settle your nervous system, and slowly resolve stored stress energy, you will begin to shift out of living in a stress response and begin to live a more calm, balanced, joyful and pleasurable life. 

Expressive Arts Therapy

Expressive Art Therapy (ExAT) is a relational, arts-based, cognitive and somatic therapy that purposefully integrates art making, movement, music, theatre, storytelling and poetry into a therapeutic experience to evoke healing, transformation and the resolution of strong emotions. No artistic skill is needed to participate in this therapeutic work. ExAT is an ancient practice with deep Indigenous roots. As a trauma and nervous system informed practitioner, I also bring this awareness to my work.

Student Practicums 

I invite you to join one of my student practicums so you can experience Expressive Arts Therapy at a low cost.  To learn about the 10 week, ExA Group Therapy I offer with Mariya Garnet, please go here: Group Therapy. To learn about the other monthly ExA Group Work I offer, please go here: Group Work. To stay in touch and to learn more about my offerings, please join my private FB group here: Expressive Arts Therapy Group  


What is Nervous System RESET?

Nervous System RESET is an educational and somatic (body-based) wellness model that teaches you how to work with your body to better manage the effects of stress in your life. This work helps you to connect with the sensations in your body and cultivate a feeling of safety at a cellular level while building capacity and resilience.


In this program you will:

  • learn how to connect with and track the sensations in your body
  • learn what the sensations of stress and safety physiology can feel like in your body
  • discover self care tools, that you can use daily, to help you settle your nervous system and build capacity
  • create a customized toolbox of resources that will support your nervous system to become resilient and regulated

Nervous System RESET is for You

If you want to feel:

  • calm
  • relaxed
  • present
  • at ease
  • balanced
  • able to rest
  • joyful
  • confident
  • playful
  • pleasure – yes, that kind of pleasure 😉

But instead you feel:

  • stressed
  • anxious
  • rushed
  • stuck
  • numb
  • overly busy
  • shut down
  • low libido
  • overwhelmed
  • like you need to fix everything
  • like you need to please others to avoid conflict

NSR will help you regulate your nervous system so you can manage life’s up and downs better. Overtime, this work will rewire your brain and repattern your nervous system. It will help you feel safe again in your body and environment. It is foundational work that will help you heal your body.

This work is offered slowly, gently and with compassion. We take our time together and build trust. You build trust in me, this work and the process. If this work feels like a good fit for you, please reach out to me so you can begin to transform your life.

Next Step - Sign Up for 1 on 1 Support

  • If you would you like to Feel Safe in your Body at a Cellular Level.
  • If you would you like to Feel Empowered to Step Fully into your Life.
  • If you would you like to Live a more Pleasurable, Playful, Sensual and Joyful life.
  • If you would you like to Connect with the Sensations in your Body and Understand what they Mean.
  • If you would you like your Own Set of Resources to Help you Settle and Regulate your Nervous System. 

Contact Lisa to Learn More about Nervous System RESET or to Schedule in your First Session Today.