Welcome to Wellspring

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Working Hours
Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED




Hi! I’m Lisa.

I’m an Expressive Arts Therapist in Training. I specialize in Nervous System Regulation and Nature – Based Expressive Art Therapy. 

What I offer:

Expressive Arts Therapy

Expressive Art Therapy (ExAT) is a relational, arts-based, cognitive and somatic therapy that purposefully integrates art making, movement, music, theatre, storytelling and poetry into a therapeutic experience to evoke healing, transformation and the resolution of strong emotions. No artistic skill is needed to participate in this therapeutic work. ExAT is an ancient practice with deep Indigenous roots. As a trauma and nervous system informed practitioner, I also bring this awareness to my work.

Student Practicums 

I invite you to join one of my student practicums so you can experience Expressive Arts Therapy at a low cost.  To learn about our Weekly ExA Group Therapy I offer with Mariya Garnet, please go here: Group Therapy. To learn about my Monthly ExA Group Therapy offerings, please go here: Group Work. 1:1 Session will be announced soon as well. To stay in touch and to learn more about my offerings, please join my private FB group here: Expressive Arts Therapy Group  

Please click on the link to register for this Spring Expressive Arts Group Therapy offering: https://lisacipparone.ca/expressive-arts-group-therapy/